November 26, 2022

Tweet embedding

Embedding a Twitter feed on your website without retweeting it

By embedding a Twitter feed from some influential person on your website or blog, you can not only attract visitors but also offer them a shortcut to view the photos and videos right there. That way, readers or viewers don’t have to visit the person’s Twitter account. They get all the required information in one

Embedding a Twitter feed on your website without retweeting it Read More »

Social Media
Lock your profile on Facebook

Secure Your Space: Quick Guide about how to lock your Facebook profile

Facebook is a place where sometimes, you’ll find people enacting their relationship statuses –progressing from single to committed to even more complicated like ‘Married’ (in jest). Unfortunately, one of those stages that come straight after the brief period attached relationship is the breakup or the stalking stage on Facebook. While Meta can’t stop someone from

Secure Your Space: Quick Guide about how to lock your Facebook profile Read More »

Social Media