How to change your Instagram username in less than a minute

Username In Instagram

Your Instagram username represents the online identity of your account and it can be anything from your lucky school mascot to a witty title like BREAD PITT that shows off your sense of humour. So, if you think that your current username isn’t so funny and would like to retire it to something that reflects your online self, follow this guide. It walks you through the process of changing Instagram username in less than a minute.

How to change Instagram username for your account?

Changing Instagram username is a lot easier than it is on other platforms. Moreover, you can change it as many times as you want until you’ve figured out the right one for yourself. Instagram will automatically tell you if the name is available for you to pick or has already been taken by another user. So, just confirm the status before tapping the checkmark.

Launch the Instagram app and tap the profile icon at the bottom of the app screen. Hit the Edit Profile button.

Edit Profile
Edit Profile

When directed to the Edit Profile screen, tap inside the Username field.

Username Field
Username Field

Under the Username heading, you’ll see your username. Use the Delete key to remove it. In most cases, you’ll be able to change your username back to the earlier one for another 14 days. Enter the new username and hit the Done button.

Change Instagram Username
Change Instagram Username

Under the Edit Profile screen, your new username should be visible to you.

Username Changed
Username Changed

If you cannot change it, make sure you have your email ID entered under the Personal information settings. When you do so, Instagram will prompt you to confirm it. Just tap the Confirm option (highlighted in orange) and follow the link in the email to confirm your email address.

Confirm Email Address Message
Confirm Email Address Message

How to change Instagram username on MacBook

Log into your Instagram account and select the Edit Profile option.

Then, under the Username field enter your new username and hit the Submit button.

Change Instagram Username on Mac
Change Instagram Username on Mac

That’s how you can change your Instagram username to include punctuation, hyphenation, numbers or random words — pretty much whatever you want. 

Also read: How to check your Instagram account creation date