How do you clear instagram search history and delete records you’ve looked for in the past

Search history on Instagram

Like Google, the Instagram algorithm works its magic all day. So, whatever you post or browse on its platform, stays there until deleted. In some cases, this record comes in handy. At other times, you might feel it appropriate to clear your search history on Instagram, especially when it poses any kind of risk to your privacy. So, how do you clear Instagram search history? We had already seen how to hide your Instagram Story from others. Now, let’s find out how to remove your recent searches records!

How do you clear instagram search history quickly from iPhone?

By default, your Instagram account will show the profiles of individuals you searched for earlier and display them as suggestions under the Instagram search. If you do not like it, go ahead and remove your search history on Instagram.

Launch the Instagram app and go to your Profile by clicking on the icon in the lower-right corner of the app screen.

Instagram Profile icon
Instagram Profile icon

From the list of options displayed therein, choose Your Activity heading. Tap to expand it. Its one place to manage all your activity on Instagram.

Your Activity settings
Your Activity settings

Under Your Activity screen, scroll down to the Recent Searches section to review things you’ve searched for on Instagram and delete your search history. Tap the entry to expand its menu of options.

Recent Searches on Instagram
Recent Searches on Instagram

When directed to a new screen, tap the Clear all button in the top-right corner and when prompted again hit the Clear All button.

Clear Search history on Instagram
Clear Search history on Instagram

Please bear in mind, you won’t be able to undo the action once confirmed. So, if you find your Search History revealing a lot about your preferences like the kind of people, content, and locations you are interested in or search for, don’t hesitate to remove it.

Removing your search records from Instagram using a browser is similar to the processes we covered above for smartphones, however, navigation may vary a bit!

Hope it helps!